By Ellie Haveman
staff writer
Every year comes with a set of trends to go with it, some of them good, some of them bad. Here is a list of all those 2016 trends that can either stay or go away.
- GO AWAY- The pass out challengeImage from pexels.comThe name speaks for itself.
2. GO AWAY- Clowns
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Even if one doesn’t have Coulrophobia (the fear of clowns) this trend has to go. It caused so many problems that even in the height of clown drama, everyone in the Northview district received an email addressing this issue.
3. STAY- Bitmoji
Image from Bitmoji
Bitmoji gets two thumbs up! Nothing is better than sending an animated version of yourself to all of your friends and family. There’s no emotion Bitmoji can’t convey.
4. STAY- Student support at athletic events
Image by Ellie Haveman
Friday nights are a perfect time to support your school team and hangout with your friends. Whether someone is a freshman in the back of the stands, or a senior in the front, showing up to school sporting events will always be a great time. The support for NV from students should only go up in 2017.
5. GO AWAY- Too much time on electronics
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There is a beautiful world awaiting anyone who is willing to put down their phone and step outside. Put the phone down once in awhile and exit your social media for a little bit to start living in the now and spending quality time with friends and family.
6. GO AWAY- Standing in the middle of the hallway
Nothing is worse than trying to squeeze around those who are clumping up the hallway. Please just keep walking in 2017, everyone around you will be thankful.
7. STAY- Tropical Smoothie
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Tropical Smoothie has been nothing but a blessing in 2016. Their variety of smoothies and even food items have been something that almost anyone can enjoy.
8. STAY- Snapchat Filters
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Snapchat filters may get some bad rep at times, but they can still be hilarious. Face swaps, one of the filters available, is something that can entertain anyone for hours, especially little kids. This trend is something that can only get better in 2017.
9. GO AWAY- Different flavored Oreos
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The classic chocolate and vanilla (aka golden) is where it’s at. Close to no one has ever said, “You know what would be a good flavored Oreo? Fruit punch.”
10. GO AWAY- Snapchatting or texting while driving
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No life is worth a text to a friend or a snapchat video of a song playing on the radio. The driver can always wait once they get to their destination to connect with their friends. Plus, it’s against the law, so please, stay off your phone when driving.
We never could’ve predicted psycho clowns or the snapchat revolution. At this start of 2017, we'll have to wait and see what the next crazy, viral trends will be.
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